About GCCS =========== Global Conference on Cyber Space(GCCS) is a prestigious global event to be held in Delhi from 23-24 Nov. https://gccs2017.in/ Among other events there are regional hacakathons organised. Winners from these regional events will get to participate in the main event in Delhi. For the north-east region, the hackathon is organised on 9-10 Nov at IIT Guwahati. Students from all over NE will participate in this event. Students from IITG are encouraged to take part in large numbers in this competition, which will give them exposure to "real-world" problems. All can come directly to the venue on 9th morning. You will be able to register for the event on the spot and participate in the competitions. COMPETITIONS ============= The event will host two competitions: * Capture the Flag will be a Hackathon to find vulnerabilities and cross checkpoints * Peace-a-thon is a mixture of building ideas and applications to solve critical problems being faced by the world Details about the problem statements and the cyber challenge are available at: *The Innovate Challenge * https://innovate.mygov.in/cyber-challenge/ *Capture the Flag * https://innovate.mygov.in/ctf-registration/ Even if you do not wish to participate in the competition, you are encouraged to attend the lectures organised during the two days. These lectures aim to give an overall perspective to cyber security in general and will also focus on some specific issues. SCHEDULE (Venue = Conference centre, IIT Guwahati) =================================================== After registration, the competitions will start and will be interleaved with lectures. The schedule for the talks is given below. Thursday 9-Nov ------------------------------ 08:30 - Registration begins 10:00 - 11:00 Inauguration and introduction 14:15 - 15:00 Part-1: Application of Machine Learning Technique for Cybersecurity and Document Forensics (Speaker: Mr. Asok Bandyopadhyay, Joint-Director, CDAC Kolkata) 17:30 - 18:15 Part-2: Application of Machine Learning Technique for Cybersecurity and Document Forensics Friday, 10-Nov ----------------------- 10:00 - 11:00 Bug Bounties 14:15 - 15:30 Cryptography and its applications (Speaker: Dr. Goutam Kumar Paul, ISI Kolkata) 17:30 - 18:15 TBA