#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <conio.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "config.h" //include configuration file that helps in global settings

using namespace std;
std::ostringstream oss;

short samples[600000], MaxAmp=0; //Maximum number of samples we can handle and Maximum amplitude desired for scaling
long double ThresholdZCR, DCshift=0; //Initialize DCShift and Threshold ZCR
double TotalEnergy=0, ThresholdEnergy, NoiseEnergy=0, TotalZCR=0; //TotalZCR is only for first few InitFrames
long start=0, stop=0, framecount, samplecount=0; //start and end marker for speech signal YES or NO
string line, filename;
unsigned short q; //number of coefficients (ai's) that need to be found
long double *R, *c, *E, *k, *alpha;

ifstream InpSpeech;
ofstream ScaledInpSpeech,out,cep;

void durbin()
	E = new long double[p+1];
	k = new long double[p+1];
	alpha = new long double[p+1]; // for new alpha values
	long double* alp = new long double[p+1]; // for old values
		cout << "\nEnergy should not be ZERO\n";
	E[0]=R[0]; //Initialize E[0] with energy
	for(int i=0;i<=p;i++)
		alpha[i]=0; //initialize all the initial coefficients to 0
	for(int i=1;i<=p;i++)
			k[1]=R[1]/R[0]; //special case when i=1
		else //find k(i) for all other remaining values
			long double sum=0;
			for(int j=1;j<=i-1;j++)
				alp[j]=alpha[j]; // store the old values in alp array
		alpha[i]=k[i]; //assign values to coefficients
		for(int j=1;j<=i-1;j++)
			alpha[j]=alp[j]-k[i]*alp[i-j]; //update coefficients from previously obtained values
		E[i]=(1-k[i]*k[i])*E[i-1]; //update E(i)
	cout << "\nLPC Coefficient values\n";
	for(int i=1;i<=p;i++)
		cout << "a" << i << " = " << alpha[i] << "\n";

void cepstralcoefficients()
	unsigned int m,j;
	c = new long double[q+1];
	c[0]= logl(R[0]); //initial cepstral coefficent computation from energy
		long double sum=0;
		for(j=1;j<=m-1;j++) //calculate the sum from older cepstral coefficents to compute new cepstral coefficients
		c[m]=alpha[m]+sum; //new cepstral coefficients
	if(m>p) // for our assignment this never get executed as we assume q=p
			long double sum=0;
	cout << "\nCepstral Coefficient values\n";//write the resuls to file
	for(int i=0;i<=q;i++)
		cep << c[i] << " ";
	cep << endl;

void Coefficients()
	q=p; // for our assignment we always take q=p

	durbin(); //call this function to evaluate durbin algorithm
	cepstralcoefficients(); //call method to calculate cepstral coefficients


void AutoCorrelation()
	long N=framesize, ind=0,K,t;
	R = new long double[p+1]; //create array of size p+1 for p coefficients
	long double *x=new long double[N]; // to store all the samples of a frame
	InpSpeech.open("ScaledInpSpeech.txt", ios::in); // open ScaledInpSpeech.txt to read the scaled samples
	if (!InpSpeech)
		cout << "\n**File failed to open**\n\n";

	if (InpSpeech.is_open()) //if file is open then only execute this block
		if (!cep) //if file is not present pop the error
    		cout << "\n**File failed to open**\n\n";
		for(K=0;K<framecount;K++) // iterate through all frames
			if(K < start || K > stop) //ignore the non speech frames
				for(int t=0;t<framesize;t++)
					getline (InpSpeech,line); //read a line at a time
			else //process the speech frames
				for(t=0;t<framesize;t++) // read all the sample values into frames
					getline (InpSpeech,line); //read a line at a time
				for(ind=0;ind<=p;ind++)  //generate p+1 R values to compute cepstral coefficients
					double square=0;
					for(int t=0;t<framesize-ind;t++)
				cout << "frame number " << K <<endl;
				Coefficients(); //call this function to compute the coefficients			

		InpSpeech.close(); // close the file

int main()

		long i,j;

		oss << recmod << " "<<duration <<" "<<inpw << " " << inpt; //define the string manually, because macro cant expand inside string
		system(oss.str().c_str()); //call the system function to read directly from the mic
		filename=inpt; //name of the recorded speech text file

		InpSpeech.open(filename, ios::in); // open the file to read from it
		if (!InpSpeech) //if file is not present pop the error
    		cout << "\n**File failed to open**\n\n";

		out.open("out.txt"); // open the file to write the results
		//count the number of samples and frames in the file
		if (InpSpeech.is_open()) //if file is open then only execute this block
			while ( !InpSpeech.eof() ) //read till the end of file is reached
				getline (InpSpeech,line); //read a line at a time
				samplecount+=1;     //increment the sample count by 1
				if(samplecount > IgnoreSamples + 4) //first 4 lines in text file indiactes type of encoding of the speech,
					samples[samplecount - (IgnoreSamples + 5)] = (short)atoi(line.c_str()); //5=4+1 4-->indicates encoding, 1-->array index starts with 0
					DCshift+=samples[samplecount - (IgnoreSamples + 5)];
					if(abs(samples[samplecount - (IgnoreSamples + 5)])>MaxAmp)
						MaxAmp=abs(samples[samplecount - (IgnoreSamples + 5)]); //MaxAmp contains the magnitude od the maximum valued(absolute) sample
		samplecount = samplecount - (IgnoreSamples + 4);
		framecount = samplecount/framesize;
		out << "Number of Samples = " << samplecount << "\n"; // print the results in out.txt file
		out << "Number of frames = " << framecount << "\n";
		out << "DC shift needed is " << DCshift << "\n";
		out << "Maximum Amplitude = " << MaxAmp << "\n";
		cout << "Number of Samples = " << samplecount << "\n"; // print the results on standard output
		cout << "Number of frames = " << framecount << "\n";
		cout << "DC shift needed is " << DCshift << "\n";
		cout << "Maximum Amplitude = " << MaxAmp << "\n";

		//Store scaled samples in different file
		ScaledInpSpeech.open("ScaledInpSpeech.txt"); // open ScaledInpSpeech.txt to write the scaled sample values
			ScaledInpSpeech << (samples[i] - DCshift)*Ampscale/MaxAmp << "\n"; // writing the scaled samples to the file ScaledInpSpeech.txt
			//for each sample we are applying DC shift then doing amplitude normalization such that maximum sample magnitude is Ampscale
		//use the scaled samples

		//ZCR and Energy calculation
		long double AvgZCR[400], AvgEnergy[400];
			AvgZCR[i]=0; // Initialize Average ZCR for each frame
			AvgEnergy[i]=0; // Initialize Average Energy for each frame
				if((samples[i*framesize + j]-DCshift)*Ampscale/MaxAmp*((samples[i*framesize + j + 1]-DCshift)*Ampscale*1.0 < 0)) // If two adjacent samples have opposite sign then increment the avergae ZCR by 1
				AvgEnergy[i]+=1.0*(samples[i*framesize + j]-DCshift)*Ampscale/MaxAmp*(samples[i*framesize + j]-DCshift)*Ampscale/MaxAmp; // energy is calculated as square of amplitude of the sample value
			//out << "ZCR in "<<i+1<<"th frame is "<< AvgZCR[i] << "\n";
			//out << "Avergae ZCR in\t\t "<<i+1<<"th frame is "<< AvgZCR[i] << "\n";
			AvgEnergy[i]+=1.0*(samples[i*framesize + j]-DCshift)*Ampscale/MaxAmp*(samples[i*framesize + j]-DCshift)*Ampscale/MaxAmp; // average energy for all the frames after scaled sample values
			//out << "Energy in\t "<<i+1<<"th frame is "<< AvgEnergy[i] << "\n";
			AvgEnergy[i]/=framesize; // average energy per frame after scaled sample values 
			//out << "Average Energy in \t\t\t"<<i+1<<"th frame is "<< AvgEnergy[i] << "\n";
		//calculate noise energy to decide threshold for energy
		//ThresholdEnergy=TotalEnergy/framecount; //threshold energy is the average of all averaged energies
		bool flag=false;
		//start and end marker of speech
			/*speech Activity Detection with start and end framing*/
			if(AvgZCR[i+1]<ThresholdZCR || AvgEnergy[i+1]>ThresholdEnergy)
				if(flag == false && AvgEnergy[i+2]>ThresholdEnergy && AvgEnergy[i+3]>ThresholdEnergy) // starting frame will be identified when the energy crosses threshold value
					start = i  ; //i th frame is the starting frame marker
					out << "Starting frame is "<< start+1 <<"th frame and starting sample is "<< (start+1)*framesize <<"\n"; // write starting frame and sample number in out.txt file
					out << "Starting time = " << 1.0*(start + 1)*framesize/samplingrate << " seconds\n" ;// writing starting sample time in seconds to out.txt
					cout << "Starting frame is "<< start+1 <<"th frame and starting sample is "<< (start+1)*framesize <<"\n"; // write starting frame and sample number on standard output
					cout << "Starting time = " << 1.0*(start + 1)*framesize/samplingrate << " seconds\n" ; // writing starting sample time in seconds to standard output
					flag = true;
			else if(flag == true && AvgZCR[i] > ThresholdZCR && AvgEnergy[i] < ThresholdEnergy && AvgEnergy[i-1] < ThresholdEnergy && AvgEnergy[i-2] < ThresholdEnergy)// ending frame will be identified when the energy crosses threshold value and AvgZCR is lessthan ThresholdZCR
					stop = i ;
					out << "Ending frame is "<< stop+1 <<"th frame and Ending sample is "<< (stop+1)*framesize<<"\n"; // write ending frame and sample number in out.txt file
					out << "Ending time = " << 1.0*(stop + 1)*framesize/samplingrate << " seconds\n" ; // writing ending sample time in seconds to out.txt
					cout << "Ending frame is "<< stop+1 <<"th frame and Ending sample is "<< (stop+1)*framesize<<"\n"; // write ending frame and sample number on standard output
					cout << "Ending time = " << 1.0*(stop + 1)*framesize/samplingrate << " seconds\n" ; // writing ending sample time in seconds to standard output
					flag = false;

		if(start==0 || stop==0) // condition to check for speech activity
			cout << "No speech Activity" << endl;
			system("pause"); //pause to see the output
			return 0;
		double testavgE=0, testavgZ=0;
			testavgE+=AvgEnergy[i]; // sum the avergae energy from start to stop frame to compute over all avegare energy.
			testavgZ+=AvgZCR[i]; // sum the avergae zcr from start to stop frame to compute over all avegare ZCR. 
		testavgE/=(stop-start+1); // average energy per sample
		testavgZ/=(stop-start+1); // average ZCR per sample
		out << "Average Energy of the speech signal is "<< testavgE << "\n";  // write average energy to file out.txt
		out << "Average ZCR of the speech signal is "<< testavgZ*framesize << " \n"; // write average energy to standard output
		cout << "Average Energy of the speech signal is "<< testavgE << "\n"; //write average energy to standard output
		cout << "Average ZCR of the speech signal is "<< testavgZ*framesize << " \n"; // write average ZCR to standard output

		//Coefficients(); //call this function to compute the coefficients

		cout <<"open cep.txt to see the cepstral coefficients for each frame" << endl;


	return 0;