
Dr. Ananthakrishnan Srinivasan

Professor in Department of Physics

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Guwahati - 781 039, Assam, INDIA.

e-mail: and/or

Phone: +91-361 258 2712

Fax: +91-361-258 2749 (Phys.), +91-361-269 0762 (IITG)







Some important responsiblities held at IIT Guwahati:


·         Dean of Faculty Affairs (Oct. 2011 to Sept. 2014), (Oct. 2017 - ).


*         Dean of Administration (Aug. 2006 to Dec. 2008).


*         Dean of Students’ Affairs (Mar. 2006 to Aug. 2006).


*         Head, Dept. of Physics (Jan. 2003 to Mar. 2006).


*         Chairman, JEE – 2003.


*         Vice Chairman, JEE-2002 and JEE-2001.



Some important responsibilities held/being held outside IIT Guwahati:


*         Member, Board of Governors, NIT Mizoram (2014-2016).


*         Member, Board of Governors, NIT Agartala (2014-2017).


*         Member, Board of Governors, IIIT Guwahati (2014-2015, 2017- ).


*         External Member of Academic Senate of I.I.T. Patna (2012-2014).


*         Executive Committee Member, Magnetics Society of India (2012 – 2014).


*         Member, Scientific Review Committee, IRIS (A DST-CII-INTEL Initiative) since Sept. 2011.


*         Member, Executive Committee, Fast Track Young Scientist Scheme (Mathematical & Physical Sciences), DST, India (2011 – 2017).